The WDSA/CCWI Joint Conference

E.J.M. (Mirjam) Blokker
Mirjam Blokker is a Principal Scientist and team leader of the team Water Infrastructure at KWR Water Research Institute. She is a part time associate professor at Delft University of Technology. She is an engineer in applied physics and has a PhD in civil and environmental engineering. She is an expert in drinking water demand and developed the SIMDEUM model. She has done research on various aspects of water quality in drinking water distribution networks, such as PAH, discolouration, temperature, and microbial regrowth. Mirjam has worked on models for quantitative microbiological risk analysis (QMRA) in water abstraction and treatment, as well as in the distribution network. Mirjam used her knowledge of statistics in in the research on failure of mains, valves, and fire-hydrants. She was a pioneer in the introduction of the performance indicator “customer minutes lost” (CML) in the Dutch drinking water sector.
Title: The complexity of drinking water temperature
Moderator: Prof. Joby Boxall

J.E. (Kobus) van Zyl
Kobus van Zyl is Professor and Watercare Chair in Infrastructure at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of Exeter in 2001 on operational optimisation of water distribution systems, and has focussed on water distribution and sewage systems ever since. He current research deals with the development of pipe leaks over time, the relationship between pressure and leakage and condition assessment of sewer pipes. He hosted the 10th WDSA Conference in the Kruger National Park, South Africa and is a Past-Chair of the ASCE standing committee on Water Distribution Systems Analysis. He developed the Aqualibrium water distribution challenge, which is used by professional and educational institutions across the world for outreach and teaching.
Keynotes Speakers